Acque chete – They talk about us…
The press conference to present the new project for the gardens of the Novara station was held on Monday 8 April: Corrado Bonomi‘s “Culture” will replace the Cracking Art snails in Piazza Garibaldi.
After the great success achieved by the playful and colorful installations proposed by Cracking Art, the Municipality of Novara has decided to continue this project of renovation of the Novara station square by presenting the “Culture” of Corrado Bonomi: an installation composed of six large vases depicting floral compositions using recycled plastic materials including irrigation pipes, watering cans and saucers.
The inauguration will be held on Monday 22 April, on the occasion of International Earth Day, while the installation, scheduled for Sunday 21 April, will coincide with the World Day of Creativity and Innovation. Two symbolic dates that intersect perfectly in describing the objectives of this open-air exhibition.
The word “culture” initially literally meant “care of the earth”: the term derived from the peasant world’s thought of exploitation and processing of natural resources in order to feed itself. Only within some social groups, who could afford free time, was the word used in the sense that we now attribute to it, referring to an intellectual terrain to be cultivated. However, both interpretations share the concept that something must be treated, cared for and ennobled so that something useful comes from it. So, what can grow from plastic? In practice, Bonomi transfigures garden care and maintenance tools into specimens of eternal flora, resistant to bad weather and non-perishable. In doing so, it favors the impression of a continuity of meaning between the original function of the materials and their new ornamental destination, which has not only ironic but also ethical implications.

The installation therefore brings with it an important ecological message, reflecting on the reuse of materials, especially plastic, for the creation of a product to be presented to the city community.
The project, supported by the Municipality, was presented and curated by the nascent Solart Cultural Association, created with the aim of raising awareness in the community about the work of contemporary Italian artists working on topics of public interest. Not only, therefore, the environment, but also migrations, wars, injustices and contradictions of the current reality.
See you on Monday 22 April at the inauguration in Piazza Garibaldi!
Corrado Bonomi Press Office